Holmedale Pre School Limited
Holmedale Pre School Limited 














Our last Ofsted inspection was on 8th November 2019 when we were rated OUTSTANDING.

Please click on the link below to read the full report.

Below are some of the comments from the inspector's report:


  • "Teaching is inspirational"
  • "Parents say the pre-school has a strong 'family feel'"
  • "Staff know children extremely well"
  • "Children are happy and at ease in the safe and stimulating environment"
  • "Relationships with staff are greatly supportive"
  • "This contributes to children's excellent achievements and their remarkable levels of confidence and self-esteem"
  • "Children's behaviour is exemplary"
  • "Children have a highly positive attitude and an eagerness in everything they do"


Prior to this, our last inspection was on 4th September 2014 when we were also rated OUTSTANDING.  

Please click on the link below to read the full report.

Below are some of the comments from the inspector's report:


  • "Children are exceptionally well safeguarded in the setting"
  • "Children are always engaged, eager to learn and make rapid progress in their learning and development"
  • "Staff respect each child's individuality and understand their unique qualities"
  • "The environment is highly stimulated and exciting for children"
  • "Staff respect each child's individuality and understand their unique qualities"

Please contact us to find out more:



07751 148805









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